Tuesday, June 16, 2009

New Money Making Programs: Top legitimate picks!

In order to invest time into meditation and technique assuring financial freedom is necessary for a peace of mind that will lead to greater inner tranquility.
I thought of mentioning some pretty legitimate online money making programs which will bring in a large stream of income relatively fast and effortlessly.

Check the top 5 picks here:

Hope you find them as success-enabling as I did.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mind Over Matter

This site is revived on a whole new level. My consciousness has been expanding due to increasing work with the 7 chakras and it is my intention to bring this knowledge to the world.

Meditation can lead to many curious sensations and abilities along with heal and expand consiousness. The ultimate goal of the yogis was to achieve one-pointed singularity of thought and eventually enlightenment.

Some work 10 years, some their whole lives to experience the ultimate control and understanding of everything. This revelation is available to all who seek it out.

For the purpose of interest and to help you on your quest to experience increadible abilities which only scratch at what can be attained through dedicated practice, we will being our journey into the mind and learn many things. All I ask is that you become diligent in your search and practice. Visit as often as you like for I will be revealing many secrets as we go along.

This is exciting for both of us as I hope to learn from you aswell.

Life is a journey not a destination.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


Thursday, July 31, 2008

I did this before in grade 6

Alka-seltzer Rocket;

You need a film capsule old school- basically a small little cylindrical vehicle of destruction. remove the cap, and place a rubber stopper betwixt the opening,

for now just set it aside- Do not start the experiment with the rubber cork on- REMOVE IT!



You take the film canister and fill it half way with 21 degree celcius water, this is very important!

Rember the rubber stopper that we asked you to put aside, Here's where it comes it!!!!

Now! Take your water filled film capsule, and place one single alka-seltzer tablet down the opening- quickly close the lid;

Quickly put the film capsule lid-side down on a flat surface, and behold the increadible might of Alka-Seltzer rocket feul with god's devine H20.

More rocket building tips to come/.